19 July 2007

Al Sharpton and Don Imus Are Best Friends Now!

Well, maybe. It made for a good headline anyway.


Sharpton says that he's not against Imus having his own radio show; isn't that nice of him? As long as whoever hires him makes SURE that Imus never ever ever never says anything naughty, or offensive to people of other races, genders and cultures.


Do you know, what Imus says is offensive sometimes. From what little I remember of people like him and Howard Stern, they're just plain old mean to everyone. I don't listen to them, but I don't think they should be censored either. If someone wants to have his own little radio show and talk about how he hates black people or Jews, or women with big butts like me, I'd say let him. As long as he's not giving specific instructions to kill or riot, why can't he express an opinion? What are we so scared of? Certainly advertisers in a decent society will run away very quickly from such a show, and *I* sure wouldn't listen to it and buy HAPPY brand soap flakes if they are advertised there.

Come to think of it, I don't think I'd know if it's advertised there if I'm not listening, so maybe I would buy HAPPY brand soap flakes. Hmm....

What I'm personally concerned about is that when you gag people with offensive opinions, sooner or later whoever is deciding what's offensive is going to come after you as well. And let's face it, when you go outside your house you hear all kinds of offensive language anyway. I can see a limit on cussing and pornography, and actually I'd be ok banning Victoria's Secret-type ads, but expressions of genuinely held thought and political opinion ought to be ok under most circumstances.

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