12 August 2007

Too Hot For Yardwork

OK... so... I'm on bedrest for almost a month and I'm really tired. Now I'm not *so* tired anymore but the temperature is over 100 degrees! How much yardwork do you think has been done in these last two months?? Aside from lawn-mowing (D's "job"), NO work has been done on this wild mess of a yard. I cannot even bring myself to show you the BACK yard. Oh, no. I have four-foot trees and weeds growing there, I kid you not. Sigh. But I really *mean* to get to it. I'm not usually this horribly behind this early in pregnancy.


  1. Waah... thanks!!

    Mrs. C.

    PS My yard still looks awful... I ought to get brave and post pics since you don't know where I live!

  2. How about bribing the kids to pull weeds?

  3. Just done with a *little* bribing and I'm exhausted LOL!! Pics... some other day.

    Mrs. C


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