20 December 2013

Hokey Military Family Reunions Damaging?

They're so cute, aren't they?  Poor kid is totally not expecting to see his Dad and suddenly, there he is!  He's a football player for the other team!  I'm sorry, but I just can't imagine the psychological damage it does to someone to have surprises like this popped on them.  Why?  Because I think that when someone is away at war, that it requires a special sort of fortitude from the family.  You just try not to think on "what is happening to Dad" as you go about your day to day, although obviously you do miss him.

It just seems so jarring, seeing these reunions.  I suppose I have nothing in theory against them, and they'd actually be much more fun to watch if I knew the war was over and Daddy was coming home for good.  If he goes away again, wouldn't this poor child (and some much younger I won't link to) always wonder if Dad can surprise them, where is he really, he could be anywhere. 

I dunno.  I think it sets kids up for trust issues down the line. I also think it hurts other families who miss their family member, especially at times like Christmas. It builds up a vague "maybe dad will surprise me, too!" expectation. Oh well, that's just my opinion.


  1. That was sweet. I don't see the harm in a kid this big. It tells them that their dad wanted to do something special for them. I can see how it can set up some weird fantasy thinking in little ones though.

    1. I agree, he's a big guy and "gets it." I was thinking more like the littles, the elementary school surprises. I just didn't want to link to them, yk?

  2. I'm not sure what to make of this. Is the father away at war and playing football in recreational time? Or did he lie to his kid so that he could attend a reunion?

    1. Hi, River! Dad was away in the military but came back home and instead of letting his son know he was coming home, dressed up as a player from the other team. :)


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

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