24 May 2007

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Well, D had to stick his two cents in while I was reading this and tell me that he would have the superpower to predict the stock market. Then he could buy all the other superpowers.

But I'm not such a carnal Christian. I'd want superpowers so that I could make time go backwards and re-do things so they'd always turn out the way I wanted! I can't tell you how many times I've said or done something STUPID, and would just like that thing to "go away." I think I'd keep going back in time and redoing things so that I would become a three-year-old with an IQ of 9,000, as well as someone with a lot of money. I would skip college. Well, no, let me re-do that one. I would go to college but not spend as much time learning about the imperialist new colonialism of the multinational corporation. I'd be too busy enjoying all my money and stuff to do that.

Oh, I'd also buy a really big older house and get it re-done. I wouldn't do all the work myself, but I'd hire lots of contractors to do it exactly as I wanted. It would be beautiful.


  1. Well done! Good answers!

    Wasn't that fun?!

  2. Yes, thank you Daja! Imagine my amazement to come in and see FOUR comments needing to be moderated LOL!


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

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