03 July 2007

More Updates

Still bleeding. Went to doctor. Baby is still alive and looks well, but they estimate 30 percent chance of miscarriage at this point. I really appreciate all your prayers. Hopefully in a bit I will be able to do more than look at the computer once a night. I must be on total bedrest for three days after the bleeding STOPS. So we're still not at day one yet. :[

The good side is that my older boys are pretty capable people. Thank GOD this did not happen during public school time. There is no way I could function without them, or the baby would cry on the floor and sit in his poopie diaper all day b/c I can't lift him and if I move too much I will bleed.

I have a friend who might be able to help on occasion if this gets long-term. It would be nice to know that on a certain day each week someone would come over for a couple hours and hold the baby and maybe dust/vacuum a room or two.


  1. When I was bleeding my midwife recommended LOTS of liquid chlorophyll.

    I remember reading every Scripture I could find about blood. Blood of Jesus? Claiming it! Claiming the LIFE in the blood. I remember reading healing Scriptures as I laid in bed and prayed.

    I've been checking your blog all day. Praying that things are OK for you! Praying that the bleeding stops and that your heart is set at ease.

    Love and Prayers!

  2. Thanks Daja!! Just checking in for breakfast and now lying down for the day. No bleeding last night, but same happened yesterday and I bled for a bit till mid-afternoon. The nurses were all mad at me at the doctors' office and going, we didn't find any blood in your urine...

    I went, um, that's because I used the WIPE first and you see I'm bleeding out of my vagina and not where I pee from... sigh. At least the doctor believed me LOL!

    OK that's TMI but still. I really REALLY appreciate those prayers!

    Mrs. C


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

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