08 August 2007

Extra-curricular Activities, Community Involvement

Wednesday, August 8---Getting out there...Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, sports teams, music lessons, making sure your kids have opportunities to be social, co-ops, etc., etc., etc...

Ok. Know what? All those stereotypes about homeschoolers staying home and never going anywhere, or having friends, or participating anywhere... that's US!!

Two of my children have autism and it is somewhere between difficult and impossible to have a good, safe place for them to be. Elf runs away in groups. Basically if I am not with him, or he is somewhere unfamiliar, it's a bad situation.

I *had* had the children signed up for Upward Sports, but we discussed what happened there. I had also at one point had the Elf signed up for swimming and other activities. But I refuse to sign stuff saying that no matter WHAT I would never sue. Even if the other guy is recklessly negligent, I promise I won't even think about it... do they really think that? And to my mind signing something like that's like saying, you know, if you kill my kid because you weren't careful, I'm not going to do anything about it, double-swear promise.

Sorry, I find that SICK. Not that I'm sue-happy, (I've never sued anyone, and I'm nearly 40!) but good gracious.

I'm guessing that in a few years things will change somewhat for the better. I don't mean to say that three years from now we'll be doing a slew of activities; I'm just saying we may do a thing or two by then without worrying *too* much.

1 comment:

  1. I am that homeschooler also. I just don't know anyone who homeschools around me. But we get along just fine without the running around, at least for now.
    Also I totally agree with you with signing, that just sounds not right.


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...