13 September 2007

Sensory Input Time!

The Emperor *refused* to touch this stuff. He's a little strange about touching strange textures, and he has trouble with his writing. Eventually, though, we got him to play a little bit and maybe even have some fun.


  1. Yes. It helps with writing practice and helps the Emperor deal with mushy textures. Despite the picture things like Play-Doh and shaving cream are difficult to get him to use voluntarily! I've heard it's a "sensory input" issue and has to do with sensory integration disfunction and the vestibular system etc. etc.

    But it's also a lot of fun and helps keep him from getting *too* intolerant of other textures...

    Mrs. C.

  2. I've never let the kids play with shaving cream. Looks like a lot of fun! I think we are going to do this!!! :-)


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

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