14 October 2007

88% Chance of Happiness if You Have "It" Chopped

Wow, 88% of men who have their weenies chopped off and redesigned to look "female" report being happy with the surgery years later. This is a very RELIABLE survey, because it was conducted by the people who do the surgery. I'll warn you that reading this article describing what they do to healthy male genitalia will make you wince:


And I wonder why there's such an outcry about female genital mutilation in Africa, but it's okie-dokie for a man to become a "woman" in liberal circles. This is just plain old disgusting. I know there are probably a very, very few unusual exceptions out there of people born without the proper "gear" or whatever and the parents have to make the best decisions they can at the time. But this...

I guess people think this is normal or something.


  1. Oh, meant to reply about kittens. I haven't named them yet but I am about to name one Piglet because while the others are sleeping, she's constantly eating. Wow, can that girl eat!


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...