23 October 2007

Socialization and Homeschooling

Yeah, yeah... you've heard this topic before in a million different places. But this Christian homeschooling dad has a totally different take on it in my opinion:


He talks about the peer pressure homeschoolers would get in college and what can be done to prevent its negative effects. In summary, he theorizes that many people think of peer pressure akin to vaccination... you expose to a little of it, and increase a bit at a time until the child can handle about anything. He says that's faulty logic, and asks how many kids have been the victim of that line of thinking.

At the same time, we need to expose our children to the "real world" so that they have other things besides the teen culture to fall back on when their friends fall through.

Hopefully I gave a pretty faithful synopsis, but there are several 0ther "nuggets" of wisdom in the post you probably don't want to miss.


  1. I'm a first year homeschooler of my youngest son, 4th grade. I'm confident this is the right decision for us but gosh I worry. My other two are in high school so it's as if he's an only child and so lonely. And while we are making an effort to do coordinated field trips (first one this Friday!) and we will join the skate days, I still have high school activities to attend as well as working from home. I'd love to see this addressed somewhere--do you know of anyone in a similar position? I came by your blog via Mom Blogs, like it so far!

  2. I actually know a single working mom with two girls homeschooling. It's hard, but she at least has family that take the girls out pretty often, and the children have lots of cousins. I've also seen moms that enroll their kids in Scouts or church activities (usually those happen at night or Sundays) for more friend interaction. I know it's gotta be downright impossible if you're already working AND running around to high school activities!! Do you sleep ever? LOL

    Take a peek at the Carnival of Homeschooling I referred to a few posts back. I *think* I saw a working mom or two in there, at least part time.

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Mrs. C


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