18 November 2007



Do you want cops to search for drugs and firearms in your home? They're kind enough to show up on your doorstep if you live in a "high crime" area of Boston. Nice of 'em. Sure saves a lot of effort for finding, you know, probable cause and having a judge issue a warrant. These things are a bit of a nuisance and prevent the police from doing their job, which is snoop through people's property in "high crime" (Ok, do you think I'm wrong for thinking "probably black?") areas.


This would be one of the few times I'd agree with people who say that the police are unfairly targeting minority areas, etc. And that they have way overstepped their bounds. I cannot IMAGINE them getting away with this right after the Revolutionary War. And it shows a real lack of respect for the people in the neighbourhood, who should be given the same constitutional rights as the guy living in a mansion a few miles away.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to that! I'm not one to engage in the minority vs the rest of the world argument either, but in this case, you are correct!

    Interestingly enough, the mansion down the road probably houses more illegal substance and firearms than the entire city block it overlooks!


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

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