26 November 2007

We Love the Prophet Muhammad SO Much We Named This Bear After Him


Anyone who doubts the "tolerance" of Christianity need only go to a Muslim country and say the wrong thing on the wrong day to the wrong people. Here a bunch of children named a class TEDDY BEAR after Muhammad and the teacher's up for 40 lashes under Sharia law. You know, it's insulting to name a teddy bear after Muhammad, although about half the boys out that way are named for him. Honest mistake on the part of the teacher not understanding the culture, but whatever. It just goes to show you how understanding and full of grace folks are sometimes.

Here in America, intolerant and hateful Christians want to be able to tell you what they think is wrong and right. They also want to opt out of governmentally funding stuff they think falls into the "wrong" category and they're willing to vote accordingly. That is seen as the ultimate wrong by most liberals that *I* see in bloggy-world, and they reason the Christians are trying to usher in some sort of THEOCRACY of hate doncha know.

These people have obviously never travelled very far. And they don't know what the word "theocracy" means.

It's too bad this teacher can't take the American way out: confess the problem (even if there IS no problem!), vow "tolerance" in the future and run into some sort of rehab program where representatives from the aggrieved ethnic group get to teach you all about their culture.

Sigh. Is there no place on earth that has some sort of middle ground? You know, where "justice, mercy and grace" can all coincide?? No fair picking a place out of my price range either! ;]

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