19 July 2008

Adventures in The Odyssey

Well, I remember it being an adventure story, but I don't remember it being quite so bloody. Elf and Emperor love these stories... maybe a little too much. So far they've acted out the story of the Cyclops, made Ancient Greek paper dolls, and constructed a replica Trojan Horse. They keep studying the map at the back of the book and comparing it to our maps. They're not the same! That's right. Our maps don't have "The Land of the Dead" and the "Island of Apollo" clearly marked, do they?


  1. Cool. The Greek Myths, besides being fun and exciting to read, give kids a good grounding in some common expressions and idioms. And did I mention that they're fun to read? They still know that they're learning, but I get so sick of those insipid stories in the basal readers, that I have to make some improvements in the reading program.

  2. LOL Well, we DID start out with the basal readers (Dick and Jane) with the boys. We moved on later, though.

  3. I need to read the Greek myths with my kids. I think Brown Bear would really like them.

    That is cool that they want to act it out.


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...