How funny that Virginia just blogged about how we're raising adults, not children! Of course I had to leave her a snarky comment implying that really she's raising senior citizens for God if she looks far ahead enough. Actually, that's not far off I know some families that aren't even really mindful of skills here *on earth,* but are raising their kids to do a good job praising God when they are, like, dead. Except they'd call it "in His Presence" or something like that. Code word.
Annnyway, I thought y'all would like a little levity here a second. Kinda snotted all over the screen a couple posts back, so it's time. I found a new (to me!) blogger, and her posts about forbidding video games is so funny and spot-on, I'd like to encourage you to read it. If you can get your own kids off the computer, that is.
"The Mom With the Brownies" feels that video games are not only a great way to have fun, but that forbidding them can be a sort of a showy one-upmanship in the game of parenting:
"Maybe they want accolades from others or whatever, but this sort of self indulgent thinking can really inhibit their children from achieving their full potential in our modern world.
"'Modern World' I know that is a buzz word. Some parents want to shelter their children from the Modern World. They want to keep them held back to the time of horse and buggy when civilization was simpler or they at least want to hold their children back to the days of Pacman so they, as parents, can actually understand the games. However, unless they are planning to raise them in a commune or as an Amish person they are sorely kidding themselves.
"Let's give up the fantasy, shall we? Our child will grow up very soon and probably need to work in this modern world. I don't care how many gardens we plant or how well we teach them to recycle and can foods, they'll still need to live in the modern world so give up the 'no technology' fantasy. Wake up! We aren't raising children we are raising adults!"
I love reading other people's rants. Of course, I don't agree with everything she has written, and am a bit more conservative in the video game department. G has a *very* hard time readjusting after/during video game time. Autism'll do that to ya. It really is all-engrossing for him, so I feel I often have to limit this for sanity's sake. But Patrick? He could be allowed to play it all day if he wishes. So long as I get help when I need it and he keeps his grades up, I'm happy. And yeah, I get the "no fair" thing from G. Sorry, guy.
I do limit the technology at home as well in that G is not allowed to surf the internet without direct, someone right next to him supervision. Because. Don't ask. Patrick? Wherever he wants to go. I just check the history now and again, and it's kinda boring. Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon. Oh! More Pokemon. Maybe an email or school research website here and there.
There are also some really awful video games out there. Halo? Grand Theft Auto? Not in my house. Spongebob? Ok. Super Mario Wii Kart Dash Party Number 28, and a bunch of other similar titles? Yep.
The kids' brains haven't fallen out yet. You know, when I hear of extreme extremism, I have to wonder if it's fear or conviction doing the talking. That, or a new parent. I had a friend who, when she was a new mom, did not let her older children eat any sugar. At all. It was breast-feed, oatmeal, green beans.... and wow! A sugar-free first birthday cake. Really. Party down 'cuz it was 1994.
I think we were all extreme back in the day. :]
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Look Out, Dad!!
My father is the purple dot above the blue weather station. He's juuust outside Milton's evacuation zone. Well! My brother and I jus...

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I wish I'd have known this starting out. I wish I'd have known that it's actually LESS work to just homeschool your child, than...
Thank you for your kind words. :o)
ReplyDeleteI will be back to check out YOUR rants from time to time. I can't wait, because I think you already know that NO FEAR makes for an awesome blog. :o)
The Mom With Brownies
I read 'mom with brownies'. I didn't agree with her ranting really because everyone has their point of view. I don't snub anyone that lets their kids play all day. Actually, I more envy kids that can handle having it as much as they want. For me, it was just all falling apart and getting very difficult to funtion at home. I missed our home life before the gaming frenzy. I promise you though, my kids go to friend's houses and play games or we go to Gameworks often. I'm opening up my computer to them (with safe eyes installed) for them to have fun finding neat places to go too. I left a comment on the Brownie Mom's site. I hope I didn't sound upset because I really wasn't. I just think everyone has their ideas of parenting and nobody should really put down each other. We are all different. We don't want a "Truman Show" world anyway.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen "Truman Show," but I think she was ranting more about self-righteous parents who look down on others. Which you are so NOT. You and I have different needs b/c we have autistic kids. :]
ReplyDeleteOh! And thanks, Shelly! I'm always glad to link with new blog friends. :]
ReplyDeleteI loved this post. We try to stay somewhere happy medium. Of course its not our kids playing yet, but us! We don't own a video game system, but felt that a Wii would be the answer, because at least then it is physical activity as well. Good luck they are still $700 here. We cutting out TV as soon as our contract is up. Not pre-selected DVDs, but constant Disney TV and commercials. I think you can be relevant to the world, without being consumed by it. We can't do some TV, because if Mommy has one then it is on all the time. That is a remnant from my childhood--it was constant companion and more for noise than to sit and watch it. Anyway--from a used to be all organic Mommy to a reformed Mom of if she'll eat it and gain weight--I'm okay with that. Loved the post!
ReplyDeleteMrs. C, oh good! I would hate to come across that way. I post my ideas and stuff and things I personally believe. But I also believe there are lots of parenting styles and each person just needs to pick their own. :) YOu should see why I'm so scared of games. My husband's side of the family has some odd ways of doing things. The guys tend to live at home while their wife works. They have their own game room and everything. Every game system and movie. They're just total gamers and they think they have it hard. No kidding! The wives have told me how sad it makes them and frustrating it is. So THAT'S what freaks me out a little. Like Bonnie, I'm a gamer myself. I love games. :) I also don't have a TV partially because... I'd be watching it ALLL the time! I've tried having it before. I'm a better mom without it.
ReplyDeleteWow Bonnie! Are you serious about the price of the Wii? I'm selling my almost new one today for $75.
ReplyDeleteComputers and gaming are a big part of our geekiness in this house. I started it. It's all my fault. I built our second computer. Then I built one for the boys. Then I built them for friends. Somewhere in there I started playing Sims and Heroes of Might and Magic (the pixelated one--not the newer gory one) and Myst. The boys followed suit. My oldest just built his own computer for college and is something of a gamer (as well as an accomplished musician--he plays with a couple of Christian bands). I still occasionally play Sims and I love RPG quest-type games (like Aveyond).
ReplyDeleteI'm not saying we have it all figured out and that ours is the answer. The computer is the evil eye in our house, but we limit everyone's time on it and give them tools to explore other interests--like microscopes (ebay), telescopes (rummage sale), musical instruments (used), pets, books, gardens, etc. We send them to church camp and on mission trips. We go camping with them. We go to church as a family as often as we can and hold lively discussions about the Bible.
It doesn't mean it's easy to keep it balanced. Just that we strive for it.
Bonnie, that is a crazy price! Do they have to adapt 'em funny or something to work with the electric there? A lot of money there.
ReplyDeleteMary, I agree. Balance is everything. Most of those moms Shelly was talking about don't deal with autism/ have a real need to be limiting, etc. They just want to show what a great parent they are by their righteously smug attitude.
Well, as Jesus would say, they have their reward. :P We all think they are very holy people.
Ok, maybe not. I've seen houses where the tv is on all the time or there is no tv and I'm ok both places so long as the tv doesn't have porn/ obviously problematic programming. It's not my life.
Wow, I have enough in my own life. Really. Swear.
Great post Mrs. C. It does me good to find out that other parents sometimes have to deal with the guilt feelings of too much technology in the lives of their kids. With Shane being the only one at home, I know I allow him on my computer playing a little more than I like. I can't let him out in the streets to play as in days past, his dad works night shift many nights, so...but I do stive to balance. We are reading the Bible through orally and together. We do art assignments together. We are active in church. Tonight was his first time in the youth class! He will be 12 in DEC. Stiving for balance is a constant in our home!
ReplyDelete((Pam)) I wish we lived closer, I really do! And not to mention, sometimes it's so stinkin' hot in FL that you don't want to go outside anyway.
ReplyDeleteHmm... I wonder where my wife fits in: A book loving gamer...
Luke, she could be a sort of gourmand "power of story" lover then (like me!) :)