02 April 2011

Woodjie Update

"Ot dat, Mommy? See, Mommy, see? Ot dat?" Woodjie is constantly asking for the names of objects. He seems to have trouble remembering them, but hey! He knows everything has a name. He can ask for his fave kind of cereal and many other foods. Taking him places is still very hard, and he still hasn't figured out how to use the potty to poop despite much teaching.


But he is doing very well in preschool. His teacher is starting to work on a few sight words and he will be joining a regular class soon part-time with his aide. Not sure how that works if one is still pooping in a diaper, but they seem to think he has enough functional behaviour and language that he can leave the autism classroom (ok, they call it the "communication" classroom, but whatevs) for a little bit each day.


He has forgotten how to write all his letters, but he can now say, "I want... have it. Me." So he's getting a lot of stuff that he wants... have it... him. I am reading a book about how to potty train people on the autism spectrum and have been charting the time of day he poops and eats and all that. Maybe it will help to get some sort of schedule. He just urinates when I take him and doesn't ask, so technically he isn't urine-trained either. Some of the things in the book about the child remembering to go potty, asking, getting to the toilet and doing everything himself are still a verrry long way away. But I can save a little work for myself by teaching him to put on his pants after his bath. If I line it up for him, he can usually do this. Someday he will pick out his own clothes and dress himself! Yes, he will. :)


  1. Congratulations on progress. I hope the potty pooping (and the understanding) kicks in sooner rather than later.

  2. He is sooooo CUTE!! I love his big, bright eyes! He's like a little doll.

    He will get it, hopefully SOON to alleviate some stress on your part, but he will get it.

  3. That is great news on the words. Sometimes having a voice to ask for things is half the battle. As for the potty training--I can't get my non-delayed child to tell me when she needs to go. We still wear pull-ups everywhere. She is 3.5. I can't even imagine trying to potty train her delayed brother who has no interest at all in what that is or where it comes from. UGH! I was thinking of seeing if they make a "potty training for dummies" because I need one! Yes, I do. :-)

  4. YES! They make one for parents (we're the "dummies") who need to learn to train their autistic children:


  5. He is doing really well... using language now, he has come a long way already.
    Here's hoping he does learn to poop in the right place eventually!


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