05 June 2007

The Case for the Large Family

Oh, I've been swimming through blogs again. This is also a link to a link to a link, and somehow I wound up here:


The Crawfords are a family with seven children. I do NOT know them personally, nor have I ever commented on their blog (maybe I should!). But I thought that this article was a loving and firm declaration of why they have chosen to have a larger family. It's kind of a trick answer, because they readily acknowledge that GOD alone opens and closes the womb... but they do not practice birth control and discuss why.

I've heard the argument given that God gives one common sense to know when they are "done" having children. But what little research I have done into the history of birth control leads me to believe this is NOT a good thing under normal circumstances. (Yes, if you have horrible diabetes, are 49 years old and 951 pounds maybe it is in everyone's best interest that you practice birth control because a pregnancy might be bad for you. But I'm not arguing special and unusual cases here for the purposes of this blog.)

The only thing they don't do is give a good answer to the "clever" person at the Wal-Mart checkout who wants to comment on your sex life because of the number of children that you have. Why is it ok to say things like, "Oh, I see YOU'VE been busy!" to MARRIED older women with several children but not to 16-year-olds with lotsa cleavage hanging everywhere? Seriously, you know any old man leering at a teen and saying something like that is gonna get punched. But it's ok to say to me I guess.


  1. I hear ya!

    I sort of ranted on that very thing here:


  2. I'm sitting here laughing that the marketers of these T-shirts for parents of large families you posted were all in WHITE.

    What were they thinking??


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...