19 October 2009

Famous Australian Landmarks

Um... this one is worth your time. It will be a new favourite, especially for my Australian readers. I saw the link to this at Brenda's Family Revised blog.


  1. Well I'm no Australian.. but that video is rather sad... to think that those people could be hoodwinked into thinking all those Iconic Places were in Australia is just laughable! Even The American Presidents faces at Mt Rushmore!

  2. Do you cringe or shall I? Sadly gulling the gullible is a national pastime but those places are so famous everyone should at least know which country they're in. I guess it's hard when as a country you're inclined to pack up whole churches & transplant them stone by stone trans~Atlantic. Or was it a castle? Maybe both?

  3. Chris, the idea of Steve Irwin wrestling crocodiles in the waters of the Taj Mahal or China being a town just outside Darwin... um...

    I wondered if people were just going along with him at first, but after a more careful look it seems this is real.

    Ganeida, just think what it would do for tourism if the Australians could import the Great Wall, Big Ben and the "Leaning Tower of Pizza." LOL

    Mama K, in defense of public school, I went there and... um... no way I'm that dopey. I have to imagine that they had to ask 100 people for every "doozie" you see here. The implications for most people being this silly are too frightening to consider.

  4. Let's put it this way MrsC, the rabbit proof fence is twice as longas the Great Wall of Chine, but you can't stand on it & why would you want to even look at it?


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...