26 July 2007

Do You Think I Starve My Kids? Really??

OK, I've got to blow a little steam here. Our specialist's office is trying to help G with gaining some weight. So she asks G if he gets fed enough and he tells her NO! (!!??!) I *try* to explain that he is fed more than enough, but breakfast and lunch are not the large meals of the day... we're restricted on time then, especially at breakfast during the school year. We don't have TIME for three bowls of cereal if the bus comes at 6:40. Come on! And can I pack him three sandwiches and three bags of chips for his 20-minute lunch???

But she sure listened to G and pretty much told me that here she sees a little boy who is having trouble gaining weight who says he's not fed enough. I'm about livid because the boy turns up his nose at most dinners I cook, and you can eat "mass quantities" then. This doctor either has no clue about life with a "large" family or has no clue that I cannot POSSIBLY budget for the foods he prefers and then feed everyone else the "usual." Guess what? This child just threw out $5 worth of food at dinner tonight because he was "too full!" Like we can play this game three meals a day, seven days a week. For every kid.

I got out to the car and D says he's tired of hearing me talk about it. He made sure to say that he bets they've written down that I'm defensive about not feeding him enough. I'm too angry to laugh at that. I think if this keeps up I will stop taking him to these appointments. But it is a specialist- specialist if you know what I mean and you can't just get picky either.


  1. First off none of your boys look underweight. They all look fine in the weight department. Secondly the doctor in my opinion is a quack because she listens to G about not being fed. Lastly he needs to eat what you make no matter what. That could be part of his problem. He needs to be thankful for what he has. OK. Now that I've put my opinion in, you can bash it. I know you are doing the best you can. Good luck my friend.

  2. I've always had trouble keeping weight on. As a teenager my mom had me drink "Perfect 1100." I don't know if it's still called that. But, it was a bulk-up drink from the Health Food store. It was 1100 calories in a glass. I drank it once a day, in addition to my regular meals. It keeps you full, that's for sure! And it helped me, with my fast metabolism, to have enough to burn. You might try something like that. And then next time tell the doctor, "Oh, bite me."


  3. ((Aunt B)) You think I'm going to BASH a friend? I need all the friends I can get right now LOL!

    I will clarify a bit though. G has lost 18 pounds in the last year and at age 12 that's not good esp. if he's growing. Let's not blame the parent though... it's OBVIOUS to most people who know his situation that he used to be on one of those meds that has a side effect of making you really fat really fast... but he never got fat like everyone else. Nor did he keep the weight ON when he came off the med like most kids would.

    The doctor admits this!

    Elf also has a weight problem. He refuses to eat when what is before him is not to his liking. Literally he will lose weight, just like G. Is it *coincidence* that only my children with autism have this problem? I think not. I have three other children presently who are gaining weight adequately who live in the same house.

    MOST kids will learn eventually to eat what's before them after an experience or two of not eating a meal at the table with the family. But not these two.

    I just felt like, there is so much OTHER OBVIOUS stuff going on that would "exonerate" me if you will... but I *felt* kinda persecuted there. This is at a large specialist hospital in the inner city too, so you would think people would figure out the difference between abuse and the kid being stubborn!!

    I asked about an appetite stimulant and she basically said that if I refuse to feed him three adequate meals a day, she's not even going to think about it!! Good grief, can you not time this so that he eats at DINNER? Don't most American families eat their "large" meal at dinner? Are we the only ones??

    I realize that having two kids with autism AND a larger family makes us different... but I didn't think that much.

    Thanks for listening to me vent! LOL! The room feels cooler now!!

    Mrs. C.

  4. LOL Daja I wish I had that problem. I'd ask everyone if I look fat and revel in the answer LOL!! I'd go to the store and be "sad" that I'm too small for everything. Then I'd join Nutrisystem and tell everyone that I lost 250 pounds by following the plan. I think it would be worth the membership fee just to mess with everyone's minds. Then I'd sit on an airplane and call the stewardess over to tell her how much I appreciate the comfortable seats!

    Obviously, God realized what an OBNOXIOUS skinny person I would be and in his wisdom humbled me with a *bit* of extra weight.

    But I'll have to look for this "Perfect 1100" drink at the health food store next time I go. Baby J is ***crazy*** for "Just Corn" which I think they actually grow near you. :]

    Mrs. C


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

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