17 October 2007

And Now, For the Story....

Patrick felt a little yucky on Tuesday but went to school anyway. Wednesday morning, when he insisted on staying home, I knew he was really sick. By 8:30, he was doubled over in pain and asking me to help make it stop. We talked a little about bowel movements, etc. and I offered him an apple, which he thought was a good idea. Then I reconsidered that notion and told him no food until he sees the doctor... I offered him a Tylenol, which he didn't take, and called the doctor. We got in by 9:15, which is very, very unusual. Usually they take a couple hours to even return your call...

Our regular doctor wasn't in yesterday (figures!), so we saw a young female doctor in the same practice, and another doctor who was following her that day. Patrick had pain, but the bloodwork came up normal. The doctor thankfully sent us in for a CT scan just to be "sure" since Patrick was still walking slumpy and clutching his stomach.

I felt badly that all this was taking so long and the children were really getting restless. That made it very hard for Patrick, especially since I had to go to the bathroom occasionally and leave them with him. Once I came back and Emperor was literally stuck to a glass wall like a spider. Turns out he was on his tippy-toes on a nearby COUCH and leaning forward like a crazy kid. Poor Patrick was whimpering for him to quit it, but I was a *bit* more strident with the child, believe me. Baby J, during these three hours, ate all of my emergency stash of Cheerios and most of the bottle I had packed "just in case." (Whew... I need to repack that!)

When they got back in touch with the doctor, they TOLD us that Patrick was going to go into the ER and be admitted for emergency surgery. Now, normally, I'm the type that wants a couple opinions... or at least can we meet the doctor first and talk about options, etc.? Not this time! This time that was just the way it was going to be, and they were calling a surgeon in at the same time they were talking to us and getting Patrick a wheelchair. Barely five minutes later, they were jabbing him with needles and getting an IV started.

I think Patrick was frightened, but relieved that there would be an end to the pain. Earlier in the day I had told him that if they found it was just a virus, he'd have to go home and wait for the pain to go away. He told me he didn't know how he could do it and make it through... poor guy was in a LOT of pain. Thankfully he had absolutely nothing to eat or drink all day and made it through surgery well. He's a little drowsy though. It's almost as though he's talking to you from inside a fog, is the best way I can put it.

We're *hoping* to get him out today but D has to work and I am *NOT* going to bring all these kids to see Patrick and annoy him while he's feeling so crummy. I have been up a good part of the night and considered on calling the nurses there to see how he's doing, but then D would hear my voice and tell me to get off the phone and go to bed. So I'll just surf the internet and read stupid stories about global warming and Britney's lap dog or something. Sigh. I sure miss that boy, and his place is very empty at the table. And G sure had a very hard time without him last night. I asked him how he'll cope when Patrick goes away to college, and the extreme reaction I got tells me Patrick will NEVER be able to leave our house, ever again after this LOL!


  1. Sure hope Patrick feels better soon and gets sprung from the hospital. Sounds like everyone had a rough go of it. Give Patrick a Nana hug and kiss. Love, MOM


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Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...