16 October 2007

Patrick's Appendix!!

You knew you wanted to tune in to see surgery pictures!! Let's see if we can convince him to show the big, gaping holes in his gut for posterity as well... I'll be visiting him in a bit, but I hear he's a bit groggy and on morphine. Though he reports he's actually feeling much better now.


  1. Wow are those the real pics???
    How did this all come about? Did you know he needed them out or did they burst? Just being nosey here.
    Glad to hear he is doing well. I will still be praying for you all.
    Blessings Lori

  2. Nice pictures! Something for the family scrapbook.

    Glad he's feeling better!

  3. These ARE the real, actual pics of surgery being performed on Patrick. We were disappointed that the video machine wasn't working LOL!! The hospital wanted D to sign that any pics taken in surgery were ok to use for teaching and etc. and he said, well, if *I* get the same pics...

    ;] Maybe he'll be in a textbook or something for your medical friend to study, Mrs. K!!

    Mrs. C


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...