27 October 2007

Free Speech! Wouldn't Thomas Jefferson Agree?


Poor, persecuted Larry Craig says that his "wide stance" and hand gestures are constitutionally protected free speech, and the ACLU agrees. I'd make a statement about politics making strange bedfellows, but it would be most inappropriate of me. Even if it is free speech.


I wish this guy would give up on it already. And go away. Far, far away. Like to Iran or something, and try that gay potty story over there and see how far it gets him.

And I wish that his wife would purchase a clue somewhere. Yes, she isn't young and pretty like a lot of these political wives, but I would venture a guess that she would do better on her own than with... him. Though I *am* starting to wonder if maybe she's just not very bright as well. At first I felt sorry for her, but now I'm thinking... you've had enough time to "process" this and why are you staying?? To be his "shield" and excuse? To show people that he's "really straight?"

Yes, I believe he's straight and that this WHOLE thing was just a misunderstanding. Yep. I'm sure you do, too.

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