31 October 2007

Patrick and Mopsy

Taking a break from his homework to plan his strategy for a new war-card game, Patrick spends a little time with Mopsy. Mopsy has been his partner in crime since he was about three. I have some old pictures lying about detailing their grooming habits together, too. When he was little, Patrick would get out of the shower, put his jammies on and lie on the floor and let the cat LICK HIS HAIR. I'll spare you the picture. But I think he's at least outgrown that habit. I haven't asked him lately.


  1. That's not true! The truth is that I would be relaxing and lounging around and then Mopsy would, without hesitation, start licking my hair. If I tried to get up she would bat my head then nip it. I just didn't feel like getting bitten.


  2. Thanks for clearing that up, Patrick. Good to know.


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...