25 November 2007

Babies are NOT Ecologically Friendly.

I can understand and respect a couple's decision not to have children. Not everyone is cut out to be a great mom or dad, and not everyone *wants* to be. But... that being said... would you kill your child to save the environment?


Here's the story of how one woman killed her baby ten years ago so she could be more ecologically in tune with her environment... Ommmm... (meditating to be in tune with imaginary earth goddess) .... Ommm.... and then she goes to take a flight halfway around the world to South Africa, burning about 98 million gallons of jet fuel. Makes sense, right?

On Kelly's blog, http://heartsforfamily.blogspot.com/, we're talking about following God vs. using "common sense" in planning our families. I'm not authorized to speak for God, but I would imagine that He would want us to trust Him AND use our common sense. You know, if you're 850 pounds and just had your second heart attack, maybe carrying a baby to term shouldn't be top on your list of "things to do" in 2008.

And honestly, there are a WHOLE bunch of people out there for whom "following God," or even acknowledging Him as most conservative Christians see Him to be, is not a priority at all. So the discussion is rather moot for those folks.

But even if you don't believe in the same God I do, I think we can pretty well all agree that killing a child is a "not very nice" thing to do. That's even worse than squashing a worm, you guys. Or even throwing away a few bags of used disposable diapers (the horrors!).

1 comment:

  1. Well, I think it's great that they decided to not have children!

    Just imagine if that sort of lunacy were hereditary!! Now that's scary!



Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

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