17 November 2007

Dare To Compare!

D has insisted that we post pics of HIS belly button and Woodjie's for everyone to compare. He says, "Let the controversy begin!"


  1. I think they are both adorable!

    -- Mrs. B. B.

  2. Really you should not be hashing the same picture of your husband's belly button again. He probably has thousands of sexy belly button pictures. I think you should devote a whole week to just his.

    As the for J's ... he is sooooo cute.

  3. I thought you were lucky after your husband's BB picture, but I see that you have a beautiful child as well.

    -- Ms. Not so lucky

  4. I see that you are sooooo blessed!

  5. Belly Buttons Rule!

  6. Here we go again!

    -- Not so Interested in belly buttons

  7. Quite by accident, I happened upon your blog. I was getting bored until you posted the belly button picture. Now you have my interest. Keep up the good work!

    -- Sir B. Elly Button

  8. Well bust my buttons ... I think I saw some lint in J's as well.

  9. What manly men in your tribe!

  10. I was dreaming of belly button fun love ... and your blog brings it out in full color.

    Full of lint-y goodness.

  11. How disturbing ... but I am yet strangely drawn to your picture.

    -- Mrs. Cray Z.

  12. I believe that this is one of the most interesting blogs I have come across. Finally someone who will show people what they really want.

    -- Pres. of the PUBB (People United for Belly Buttons)

  13. Whoooo Doggies! Those buckaroos sure have some nice belly buttons. I just wish I was as cool as they are instead of being such a loser instead.

    -- Small Belly Button Guy

  14. Why are you commenting on anything other than belly buttons?

    -- Perplexed

  15. Yea .... I'm with that other guy or gal .... I thought you were going to an all belly button theme.

  16. There are other things than belly buttons ... oh yes .... lint!

    -- Smiles

  17. Ooooch ... sounds like there are some real crazy people out there ... They don't appear to be enough of belly button fans.

  18. I am so a belly button fan!

  19. Ahhhhh go back to your momma's cord!

  20. Sounds like real fight going on here! Let us all say we both like and respect each other ... or in other words LI-Spect each other.

    There is enough Lint-y goodness to go around. Maybe enough for a pillow!

    Ok ... Maybe not.

  21. I feel so inadequate ... I have such a small belly button!

    -Sad Small Belly Button Guy

  22. Mrs. C., either your husband is hilarious or has multiple personalities...

    Lucky lady, you!



Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

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