29 November 2007

It's the Gender Bender!

One of my bloggy friends, BabyLady, has posted about crossdressing in her blog. http://babyladymemoirs.blogspot.com/2007/11/teaching-gender-bending-in-schools.html

She links to the following news website you might want to check out:

Cross-dressing day at a local high school. Ah, well. I'm not really surprised. That's bad of me. I don't think that the morality taught in any school district is going to get BETTER any time soon unless our educators "make good choices" and administrators get a life or become more *locally* accountable.

In sixth grade, Patrick was asked to make an "altar to the dead" in Spanish class. The teachers figured they were just teaching about a different culture and probably really WEREN'T thinking of how to offend the local Christian populace. Actually, I don't think many parents even heard about it. It was only through a friend that I learned about this construction project myself. Patrick really didn't think twice about it, and didn't tell me about his involvement.

Well, *I* got involved. I know one parent who pulled her children shortly after, but that was one of those "it was a long time coming" situations and likely they'd have been gone soon after anyway. But Patrick sure got a practical education on the first commandment and how to follow it! He learned from this situation so that the following year, when he was instructed to WRITE A PRAYER to the sun-god Ra, he had the sense to refuse. I told the principal that it was just *fine* with me if they did that, so long as I or another teacher got some time to come in to the school and tell the children about Jesus and give them a writing assignment: the sinner's prayer. You know, I'll be "tolerant" if you will... (Somehow it never works that way, and Patrick is just allowed "alternate writing assignments" when he objects. Sigh.)

I did click on the website outlining the teaching about crossdressing. Interestingly enough, it cites kilts, earrings, and the outfits worn in Jesus' time as "girls' clothes" and questions why, if it was ok for men to wear stuff like that in those other cultures, boys are discouraged from wearing dresses here.

I think even a layperson with no specialized training in history can see right through this one. All that stuff, in those cultures and times, is BOY stuff and not GIRL stuff. It would actually DISPROVE the point they're trying to make if the cultural significance of each outfit were explained historically. If you're going to go into the "marketplace of ideas" and slop around ideas like crossdressing, can you at least think of a logical argument without resorting to manipulating historical data to support your thesis? Or maybe a testimonial from the average guy? Some 400 pound man with a beard and a push-up bra telling the audience he feels pretty in them-thar clothes would suffice. Then let these young people decide for themselves. I mean, that's fair, right??

Of course, we're talking about high schools here. I might find it in my heart to be shocked when they move these "informative lessons" down into the kindergarten grade. I've read the end of the Bible and I know that much worse than this is coming our way, *sometime* soon. Get ready. And wear some gender-appropriate clothes for this battle, would ya??

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