28 November 2007

Most Days Are Like This.

Woodjie REFUSES to sleep in his crib. He'll conk for 20 minutes or so when you're holding him or at lunch. Sigh.


  1. My niece had to be driven around in the car before she would fall asleep. I guess falling asleep in the high chair is a bit easier for you.

  2. LOL! No, he is driving ME to crazytown, not the other way 'round. He's on my lap right now, all heavy, snoring and sweating. I guess it's computer time then b/c I can't get housework done. At least it's quiet.


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...