16 November 2007

The Small Elfling

Can you see his crinkly little elf-ear in the picture?? We started to call him Elf after the Emperor caught up to him in size and Elf thought it was unfair... how could this happen to him? The truth is, he has asthma and those kids (according to our allergist) will naturally wind up to be shorter in most instances. Poor little Elf. He *really* wants to go outside but has not been allowed out of doors since we went to the woods a couple weeks ago. It seems every time he is allowed to run and play, he gets a bad bout with his asthma. Dad said no to raking in leaves and jumping in them, and he has Elf's best interests at heart. But it makes me sad to see a sad little Elf say, "Oh, pleeease? Just for a little while?"


  1. Oh that just breaks my heart. I feel so sad for him. We'd go jump in leaves for him but there is snow on the ground here. Tell him Aunt B. Loves him.


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

Bringing Garbage Home

Some people up the street were throwing this table away. It was in pretty bad shape and one of the legs was off. I've glued the leg back...