27 May 2013

The Contents of My Fridge

Bag of lettuce.  Three carrots.  Mega margarine.  Bacon package.  Four mustards.  Five soft tortilla wraps.  Cheese.  Orange juice.  I think I'm doing a great job on project "Let's Eat Everything in the Fridge and Freezer Before We Buy More Stuff."  But the sailors are starting to mutiny and D has abandoned ship for the local Wal-Mart.  He's going to battle the Memorial Day crowds because he just can't take it any more.  By the way, whoever thought of replacing old-style metal racks in fridges with these clear plastic monstrosities that need constant cleaning should have to walk the plank.


  1. What a bunch of babies!! There is plenty of mustard there to get them through for a LEAST another day, maybe two!!!
    D should be lashed with a wet noodle for giving in.

    1. I didn't publish a pic of the freezer-burn crap from 2006 that we finally pitched. It was bad stuff. I'm glad to have real food again.

  2. Oh ... and whose eyes flashed with excitement when I said I was going out for food? I will give you a hint ... I am married to her!

    1. Okayyy I admit it. But only think of all the money I saved, right?

    2. You might have saved by not shopping, but now that you have to completely re-stock you may find the final cost is quite high. I remember eating down the supplies once when we were moving interstate, when we'd unpacked and gone shopping to fill the fridge and freezer we spent close to $200 and that was back in the 70s. after that every time we had a move planned we only ate down the perishables, all cans and jars got packed into the car and taken with us.

    3. Yes, we're finding that out! At the same time, we also threw out some chicken from 2006 and so on, so... if I had done something similar on a more regular basis, things like that could have at least been used.

  3. Too funny!! OK, I'll bite. What is with the mustard??

    1. D buys the mega-size mustard at Sam's Club and then divvies it out into the littler jars. Saves money. Takes up a lot of room, though.

  4. The plastic shelves are supposed to prevent spills from dripping all the way through to the bottom, but like you said, they need more cleaning. Still, the racks also needed cleaning. Along with everything else that got dripped on lower down if something spilled. I still prefer racks.
    My fridge holds mostly condiments that have been opened, unopened stuff stays in the cupboard, they don't need refrigerating until they've been opened. Now that I think about it, the opened 2 litre tomato sauce is in the cupboard too, only the smaller squeeze bottle is in the fridge. Also in there is milk, juice, margarine, butter, eggs, cheese, dried fruits, maple syrup, apples, one carrot, one potato, garlic and spring onions. No meat of any kind as I buy it fresh on the day I plan to cook it and there's no chocolate either. No chocolate?? How did that happen? Oh yeah, I ate it yesterday.....

    1. I just ate all the baking chocolate... you know, it wouldn't do for that to go bad, right??

  5. I'd forgotten that I'd ever had wire shelves... they were kind of easier, but then you had to get down on your knees every so often and clean the muck at the bottom of the fridge.

    Ps. We eat just about everything in the freezer before I will refill it. That way we never get stuck with freezer burned stuff.

    PPs. I come from a really big family and on fridays we left leftovers from the whole week, and we shopped again on Saturday. That prevented food waste, but my husband won't touch leftovers, so that doesn't work for us.

    1. What used to happen is the adults would have to eat all the yucky leftovers and the kids got the good stuff. So we don't do that either...


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