22 May 2013

Family Happenings

G graduated from (City Name) North High School last weekend.  Here's a pic I snapped before we went in for the ceremony.

Here he is on line waiting to get his diploma.  I don't have a picture of him actually receiving his diploma because JUST as his name was being called, a large group directly in front of me STOOD UP.  I cannot tell you how mad and disappointed I was to miss my child graduating because someone else was in a hurry to get to the parking lot first. 

Elf and Emperor keep riding bikes that are wayyy too small for them because they never quite learnt to do it the proper way on a larger bike.

See?  They had lots of fun trying, though.

Woodjie loves playing outside!

Flower in my front yard.


  1. Is that G's "Mom, REALLY? A PICTURE? GAH!" face?

    Congratulations to mom and G!

  2. What a great post! Congratulations, G!!! You did it!
    Nice pics of the kiddos outside playing and enjoying the nice weather. :)

    Is that flower a type of rose? I kill those quite expertly without even trying. :(

    1. It's a "knockout" rose. You just water them and they live through almost anything. Thanks for the good wishes!

  3. Congrats! Love the random bike and flower photos.

  4. Congratulations!!! So sorry that G's moment was marred by unthinking people... grrr!

    Those roses sound like just the kind I need! I've tried raising them on my balcony, but they always get this white mold looking stuff on the leaves, and then they are just doomed no matter what I do. Lovely outdoor photos!

    1. Thank you! Yes, they are called "knockout" roses. Not sure if they are available where you are but they are perfect. They do not grow as tall as the other sort so they would be perfect for your patio.

  5. What a shame you didn't get to see G getting his diploma. Where does he go from this school?
    The 'middle sized' boys on the little bikes look so cute!

    1. He's done with school now! He'll move on to his adult life soon. :)

  6. Love the boys on the teeny tiny bikes. They'll get the hang of the bigger bikes soon enough. I like the rose, it looks like the kind grown here called flower carpet because they are low growing and spread quite wide, about a metre I think. People plant them all along their nature strips.
    @Sue; that white mould stuff is powdery mildew and can be controlled by spraying with a fungicide. Your rose probably needs more sunshine and airflow.

    1. Looked up "flower carpet" and yes, it sure does look the same!


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