13 July 2013

Posting Untried Recipes is Now Criminal.

There's a new Missouri law against posting recipes with delicious pictures online, unless the poster has tried such recipe and found it successful.  MO Statute 28147.3 also requires that the recipe made in the poster's home look "reasonably similar in form and appearance" to the pictures posted on any social media site, blog, or other page on the internet.

Ok, I made all that up.  But I'm so tired of coming across posts and going, "Ooh, I want to try that sometime!" and then realizing that the poster has never tried the recipe, cleaning tip, or "how to" tutorial.  Dang. I have a feeling that spraying WD40 or Peroxide on this or that is gonna ruin it forever, and besides, I already have a Pinterest account for all those things I'm never going to get around to.  

Dear friends, I need to keep my facebook and my blogs open for political snark, e-cards, YoVille requests, and "I can't believe some people act so bitchy" and "things my ex-husband just did" rants from my friends.

Thanks for understanding.


  1. Ok.... You had me believing this! :)

    1. It would be sorta a hard law to enforce, don'tya think? :)

  2. I hate it when my Fb is clogged with people's interests. Yeesh, it's as if they think I want to get to know them better. HELLLOOOO! We are FB friends for a reason, and it's NOT so you can be my buddy!

    1. I'm sorry, but I'm not "getting to know" anyone better when 50 of my friends post the same "25 things to do with WD-40" list. Now... TRY one of those things on the list, post a picture of it, and I PROMISE to "like" it. :)


Non-troll comments always welcome! :)

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