27 August 2013

Elf is Learning German in School.

I guess soon he will be sounding very, very strange.


  1. Did he choose German? The boy elected to take German this year, and Russian last year. He's had fun with both!

    1. Yep! He really wanted to learn German rather than the standard Spanish.

  2. Is he going to memorize Der Struwwelpeter? (http://www.gutenberg.org/files/24571/24571-h/24571-h.htm)

    I memorized part of the children's story and recited it in German class when we were kids .. while Uncle Don pranced around in a wig made of a mop and gloves with long fake fingernails .....
    (it's the fairy tale about the kid who refused to cut his hair, nails, or generally clean up...)

    I have forgotten almost all my German; especially after 3 (long) years of French class. Neither did me much good at the countless business meetings conducted (mostly) in Spanish/Italian/Portuguese ......

    1. Oh wow. I looked up an English version of this on youtube and apparently there are lotsa stories in this book. The one I saw featured a young fat kid named Augustus who wouldn't eat his soup. He got thin and died. :/

  3. I grew up hearing German, mostly when they were discussing things they didn't want us kids to understand, until I was seven, when the parents finally separated. I never had any interest in learning it. My younger son learned it for a year in high school, but I think he's forgotten it. He learned Greek and Italian by associating with neighbourhood kids in different suburbs as we moved around a fair bit. Most of what he learned can't be said in polite company.

    1. Ha ha! I think I know the Greek word for "vagina" because our pastors taught their kids to say the Greek words for their stuff when they were potty training. This way, they're using proper "words" for things, and they don't get embarassed in public. Unless they move to Greece.

  4. Replies
    1. I will make sure Elf reads your greeting. Am very excited about your school! :)

  5. Our kids are learning Spanish. I don't quite know why as they are unlikely to ever need it.
    I hope Elf enjoys learning German.

    1. If they come out here... yeah. I'm starting to feel like a stranger in my own country sometimes.


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