28 November 2007

How Do You Teach YOUR Children?


Whoo, that's a long link. Found it through the HSLDA website. Parents have *many* reasons they homeschool their children. That's a statement that demonstrates a keen grasp of the obvious, is it not? But true nonetheless.

How do you educate your children and why do you do it that way?

I send Patrick on that school bus each weekday morning. He's in eighth grade advanced math class, gifted English, symphonic orchestra and ninth grade Spanish. Patrick knows *very well* how we stand on moral issues, etc. in our home as a result of discussion, discussion, discussion. He's exposed to all kinds of weirdos in that school, but thankfully most of them aren't in the gifted classes and hanging out with him all day. He likens school to a prison, what with the not being able to leave, schedules, rules, etc. etc. but he also knows that *MOM* would work his little rear off even worse than they do at school if he had to stay home. (He's right, you know. But he'd be allowed to go potty any time he wants during the day without having to raise his hand to ask permission.)

G is in seventh grade and in a special ed class for his autism. Frankly he would be very difficult to educate at home for a variety of reasons. *Right now* we feel he is in the right place and has an excellent case worker. He's pretty jealous of the field trips we take, but I'm not sure he would be able to get his work done in order to participate if he were home. He has an aide at school for some of his classes to help him.

Elf is seven years old. He is also on the autism spectrum. We pulled him out of public school after the school continually locked the child in a closet (yes, they did) and made it clear to us that his needs would not be met at that school. Of course, they would never put it that way. They would call the closet a "recovery room," and give all kinds of "help" that would fit their budget, but would not be truly helpful!

I've discovered since pulling him that there is just SO MUCH GOOD STUFF out there curriculum-wise. I had no idea how to teach him (in terms of, "What do you need to know to complete first grade?") or do anything when we pulled him. We just did the worksheets from Sam's Club. You know, those big workbooks? He learned to add and subtract, and some English concepts. We used flashcards. We used a dry erase board and it was very cheap. Basically, all the stuff that you would do with a first grader for homework is what we worked on. You know, get a penny out and talk about how that is worth ONE penny and the nickel is worth FIVE. Get a clock out and talk about time. What's strange is that the Emperor would sit at the table with us and pick up on most of it when he was in preschool.

Now we're very attached to the Bob Jones stuff and the Emperor has joined our homeschool. It's horrendously expensive, and I wind up spending most of my "fun" money on this stuff. I just have to have the teacher's manual and the workbooks. They're so awesome!! I like how they use the King James version of the Bible and I've noticed I've learned several verses and facts along with the children. Emperor is "supposed" to be in kindergarten, but we have him doing the second grade work with the Elf. I am more forgiving of spelling and handwriting for him than Elf right now just because they started school two years apart.

So we didn't start out thinking that we'd homeschool, but now that we are there are just so many reasons that I feel good about it. Especially in the younger grades, it has an unbelievable effect to be able to teach them according to your own worldview. I feel we missed a lot of that with Patrick and G. I read to them a little from the Bible each weekday, and we pray, but if you homeschool you know it isn't quite the same. Although D feels the public school is the best place for Patrick and G right now, we still want to be very involved in shaping these young men.

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