12 January 2009


In keeping with my housekeeping theme today, I'm going to share a bit about our cereal. We buy Tootie Froooties (or something like that) at Wal-Mart. It's a good enough bargain, but maybe a little too sugary at the bottom. I sift it out. I mean, I like sugar. But not quite that much all at once.


  1. Ummmm forbidden sugar!
    -- Homer (D.) Simpson

  2. And that, my friend, is why I don't eat packaged cereals! I mean, I *like* sugar, but not straight like that! lol.

  3. HOLY COW!! That's a LOT of dang sugar!

  4. I've gotta agree with Lisa there [laughing].


  5. I would be sifting that lot out too! WAy too much sugar.

  6. I was denied sugar as a child. I now have a serious addiction to freeze-pops. Sugar is dangerous stuff.

  7. I guess I avoid giving the last bowl that looks like that to my kids too, but I have to confess that I love to get the remnants of Malto-Meal's Frosted Mini Spooners at the end of the bag!


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